
Learn more about
Lupine Counseling’s Specialties

The following is a menu of services that focus on specific issues and specific treatment options. I am happy to help you create a plan that offers a multi-layered approach to wellness.


Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Ketamine is a safe and legal FDA approved medicine for off label treatment that has powerful and long lasting effects for individuals who are living with Depression, Anxiety and PTSD. When taken with the support of a therapist, people typically report relief from their symptoms within a few hours of treatment and long term relief that can last from a few weeks to years after (depending on dosing and treatment plan). Ketamine works by blocking the brains NDMA receptors and stimulating AMPA receptors which helps to build new synaptic connections and increase neuroplasticity. If you are someone who has felt that despite your best efforts, your symptoms seem to feel persistent, Ketamine could be a solution for you. I provide ketamine assisted sessions in partnership with Journey Clinical. These sessions are typically longer (minimum of 2 hours) but provide the benefit of potentially speeding up the overall course of treatment and faster relief.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Pregnancy in America is so complicated. From finding out that you are pregnant (perhaps after waiting years or by surprise) to learning of fetal complications, to post partum depression or neonatal loss, this time in a woman’s life can feel so scary and painful. During my time at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and after in private therapy, I have supported women who have had challenging pregnancies, have had to make difficult decisions, have felt the pain of not feeling connected to their baby, adjusting to life with a new baby, and others who have lost their baby. The pain of all these scenarios can be overwhelming and life altering. I am a choice affirming practitioner and I will support and guide you through whatever chapter you are in during your pregnancy and mothering journey.

Anxiety and Depression

If you are feeling isolated, constantly worried, tired, and 1,000 versions of “sad”, you are not alone. Perhaps you are also noticing that you fixate on certain habits or thoughts. Or maybe you are limiting your life because of certain fears. The good news is that it is possible to overcome these feelings and restore balance in your life.

I will work with you through a variety of different modalities to help you overcome these worries, fears and dark periods of life. Through mind body work and a variety of other therapeutic interventions I will help you find the techniques that fit into your life to help you find peace.



The impacts of a traumatic event (or multiple events) can be insidious. Trauma responses can range from irritation, anger and overwhelm to the feeling of being trapped in one’s own body. If you are finding that you are feeling “stuck” in what has happened to you in the past and that your trauma history is preventing you from leading your best life, there is hope in therapy. A growing body of research around this subject and much of it is showing the interconnectedness of our minds and our bodies. Sometimes we need someone to talk to to help us process what happened. But a lot of the time, our body needs help feeling safe first before we begin to talk about what happened. Through guided somatic work, I will help you return to a place in your body where you can trust yourself, tell your story, and move from traumatic stress to traumatic growth.

Integrative Health & Wellness

After nearly 50 years of research, we can now say without a shadow of a doubt that the mind is deeply connected to the body. The old adage of “my gut tells me…” is more than just a saying. Our bodies store and process much of our stress in different ways. Mood disorders can result from chronic stress and systemic inflammation. That is why it is so important to take care of not just the mind alone but also the body and the soul. As a Certified Integrative Mental Health Practitioner, I make a point to work with my clients on their overall health and wellbeing inclusive of their sleep, eating and exercise patterns. If you are noticing that you are struggling with sleep, eating habits that no longer serve you, or low energy we can talk about what may be contributing to these issues and work through healthy lifestyle choices that will lead to lasting success.

Why Lupines?

Historically the Lupine flower has been associated with recovery from trauma and has been used in various cultures as symbols of strength and protection. In some legends, the flower petals have magical properties and can be used to ward off negative energies. Lupines have also been used in various medicinal recipes to help with inflammatory issues, including headaches, joint pain and arthritis. On a personal note, I grew up in a field of purple lupines and they have always been my favorite flower. My husband referred to me as “the Lupine Lady” when we were first engaged.


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55 minute session


Ketamine Assisted Therapy session

$400 to $650